Breaking News!

Those of you who have been following this blog ministry have shared in my recovery journey, maybe learned some lessons with me and hopefully seen my writing skills improve.

In the past my format hasn’t been formal, but over the last year I’ve learned to post more consistently. By posting weekly, my readership has increased tremendously, which is quite encouraging to me. Among various topical blogs, I’ve posted monthly columns on working the 12-Steps, with Book Reviews thrown in the mix here and there.

This year God has given me a clear format and some fresh ideas that I’m very excited about. Along with the 12-Steps and Book Reviews, I’m adding a monthly column dedicated to Christian Virtues as they relate to the topics of hurting women. Also new this year, will be a weekly column dedicated to the specific hurts women struggle with.

Reaching Hurting Women will continue to post on Wednesday morning with a dedicated topic for each week. The month will look like this: Working the Steps, Book Reviews, Christian Virtues and Healing Hurts.

I hope you are as excited as I am! God is so faithful to guide me in this budding ministry as I strive to reach the hurting women in our world with the freedom found only in Jesus Christ. I look forward to the new year ahead and more lessons learned together.

Thank you for supporting me in this cause. God Bless You! <3

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