BOOK REVIEW: The End of Overeating by David A. Kessler, MD

The End of Overeating:

Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite


Rodale, Inc. 2009
330 pp

While scanning the Internet for blog material, I ran across this book. The title was intriguing and seemed to fit my research needs, so I placed my Amazon order. Upon it’s arrival, I was so overcome with the shocking information being revealed to me that I consumed the book as fast as I could. 

Do you have an overpowering urge to eat an entire bag of chips while surfing late night TV?
Does the dessert tray at your dinner date call your name long before your entree has arrived?

In The End of Overeating Dr. David Kessler explains in fascinating, but scary, details why the food industry’s conniving scientific, “tricked-out” recipes keep us coming back again and again to foods that are not at all in our best interest.
The End of Overeating is timely and brilliant… disturbing but vitally important! Well written with engaging short chapters that keep you cruising through the book at an amazing pace. The information is concise and life changing! We can get off this overeating roller coaster if we take heed and do the work Dr. Kessler carefully lays out.
In studying sexual addiction I knew that food addiction was similar. But not until reading this book have I seen it so clearly. I’ve never read a book that so closely describes sexual addiction! 

Among the many internal conflicts that plague us—the unwanted thoughts, the anxieties, the compulsions and impulses that too often seem beyond our power to quiet–the struggle over what we eat is, for millions of people, the most daunting. (from the Foreword)

A few years ago this controversial former FDA commissioner, Dr. Kessler exposed the tobacco industry. Today he is taking on another business that’s making us sick– the “big food industry” who manipulates our tastebuds to get to our pocket books with scientifically designed recipes that keep us coming back for more. 
I will never look at a restaurant menu the same. Thank you Dr. Kessler!
For the sake of your health and your family’s health— Read this book!!
Check out this interesting interview with Dr. Kessler:

Working the Steps :: STEP 12

Step 12:
Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to others and to practice these principles in all our affairs. 

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to bring good news to the suffering and afflicted.
~ Isaiah 61:1

Step Twelve completes this part of our journey. Through this process we’ve been changed, we have experienced a spiritual awakening, our lives are now an expression of God’s will.  As we go about our daily life we look for ways to demonstrate this new confidence, showing our commitment to recovery and our growing awareness of God’s presence in our lives.

Sharing our life experiences is sometime difficult, we must be sensitive to whom we tell our story and how much we share. Not everyone is ready to hear our recovery story.  Practicing first with an accountability partner or sponsor is always good. The more we tell our story, the easier it gets. And with that ease, the emotional pain that we may carry today will be relieved.

Though much progress has been made we haven’t completed our journey to wholeness. That won’t happen in this world. But as we continue our growth we must daily be aware of the principles that will enhance our walk with God. Each of the Twelve Steps is a vital part of fulfilling God’s plan for our life. And as we experience daily challenges that try to pull us away from God, we must use the steps as tools for coping rather than falling back into old patterns.

Let’s quickly review each of the Twelve Steps:

  • Step One ~  Reminds us of our powerlessness.
  • Steps Two and Three ~  Show us our ongoing need for God’s help.
  • Steps Four through Nine ~ Guide us through self-examination and making amends. 
  • Steps Ten and Eleven ~ Help us avoid slips and keep us in touch with God.
  • Step Twelve ~  A milestone showing our commitment to God’s will for our recovery.

The most important part of Step 12 is the hope rooted here. By sharing our story we give others hope for freedom from addiction. It’s possible for life to be good again. As we prepare to tell our story, we shouldn’t compare ourselves with others. It’s not having some big dramatic story that give it value; it’s the end of the story that counts.

Post reminders around the house related to spiritual growth. In my role as a wife, mother, writer, minister and now grandmother, the tools of my work, whatever that work may be, play an important part in my spiritual growth. Here’s what’s on the reminder card I keep posted in the kitchen.  It’s adapted from St. Benedict’s Rule of Order.

“Each implement of your work is a sacred vessel on the altar of your transformation.”

Go forward now, intentionally pressing into each day, committed to give and do your best. Trusting God is by your side, changing you into the new creature He designed you to be.  Don’t not tell your story. There is someone who needs to hear it. Anyone can argue theology or doctrine. But who can argue with what God has done in your life? No one!

Once again… take a few minutes to enjoy our Twelve Step theme song for this year…
Step by Step by Bryan Duncan

Coming in December on Reaching Hurting Women!


Working the Steps :: STEP 12

We’re now ready to carry our life message to others; to practice these principles in all our affairs.


The End of Overeating: 
Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite   

David A. Kessler, MD  

With the latest brain science and interviews with top physicians, discover the food industry’s aggressive marketing tactics and learn shocking facts about how we lost control over food and how to get it back.

Virtues ~n~ Vices :: GENEROSITY

What better Virtue to study this season? Let’s focus our energies on what we can do for others rather than what we will get.                                                                                         


Healing Hurts :: OVEREATING

Our desire to eat can be a real problem. Often it sneaks up on us when we are depressed, lonely or hormonal. Let’s learn how to establish feasible boundaries and create healthy eating habits. 





The sex addiction discussion is a hot topic in the media with personal stories of Hollywood celebrities. But not everyone is convinced someone can really be addicted to sex. And if you are, what’s the big deal? 

You might be thinking… “It would be awesome to be married to a sex addict!”

Think again…

Growing up I had a front row seat in real world sex addiction training. My father was a high functioning alcoholic, which means he could stay sober during the day to manage his career but when off work he was usually drinking and chasing women. His addiction to pornography was no secret with a Playboy calendar hanging above the bathroom scales in our only bathroom.  His sexual exploits also had no boundaries. He brazenly sought out women in front of me; he carried on affairs with my co-workers and my college roommate with no shame. Tragically, I acted out all these behaviors and worse in my own sex addicted life.

When children grow up with addictions and become addicts themselves, they usually take the dysfunctions a step further.  I certainly took my addictions and perversions to more destructive levels than my father. With no regard for my family or friends, sadly I passed down the painful effects of sexual addiction to the next generation.

What is sex addiction? Sex Addiction is an unhealthy coping mechanism characterized by a set of escalating, compulsive behaviors which result repeatedly in negative consequences.   

What are the symptoms for sex addiction?

  1. A recurring pattern of sexual fantasies, urges and behaviors lasting six months or longer.
  2. A pattern of sexual activity in response to depression; repeatedly using sex to cope with stress.
  3. Inability to reduce or stop the sexual activities believed to be problematic.
  4. Evidence of “personal distress” caused by the behavior: interference with relationships or work.

How can I know if I’m a sex addict? While this online screening test is very comprehensive and helpful, I highly recommend you seek professional help. You cannot overcome this bondage on your own. Trust me. I tried!  Women’s Sexual Addiction Screening Test

I remember the day I realized I was a sex addict. I was so full of shame and guilt. I didn’t know how to face my family and friends. I didn’t know how I could ever turn back to God. How could He ever love me again after the horrible things I had done.

God loves us in spite of what we have done. Believe it or not, He was there when we did those terrible things. That’s a thought that I can’t stand to think. 

No matter what phase you’re in in the addictive cycle, whether you’re fantasizing about your next sexual encounter or suffering with guilt and shame after last acting out — help is available now!  Freedom from this desperate downward spiral is possible! 

Please don’t stay in your pain alone! Contact me by email. I can help you start the healing process.

Instead of dwelling on your guilt and shame, meditate on God’s love for you with this beautiful song by MercyMe

Virtues ~n~ Vices :: MODESTY

VIRTUE: a valued principle of good moral behavior; a holy habit. 

Modesty: regard for decency of behavior, speech and dress.


VICE: a practice of wrong doing; the corruption of virtue; an unholy habit.

Exhibitionism: a compulsive desire to attract attention to oneself by exaggerated behavior; exposing oneself.

Growing up my father kept a Playboy calendar just above the scales in our only bathroom. So needless to say, modesty wasn’t taught to me as a child. Yet, when I became a teenager in the early 70’s and going bra-less was “cool” my father would berate me and say, “No daughter of mine is going to walk around like that!” Conflicting messages to be sure.

Admittedly, I lived most of my life as a sex addicted exhibitionist, reeling in prey for my sexual desires. Though in recovery eight years, modesty still remains my biggest challenge. No matter how well I’m doing with my own personal speech, behavior and dress, the enemy will sneak up when I least expect it and try to get my mind. Satan knows if he can plant an image in my mind, sexual fantasies are not far away. And if a fantasy takes root… acting out is sure to follow.

Modesty among Christian women is a real problem today! Even with strong boundaries on my media input at home, the enemy’s is still at work…  for my worst days are often at church. I stopped attending a local church because there was a woman greeter that regularly dressed like she was going clubbing: decked out with 6′ spiked platform shoes, a low cut clingy top and a tight short skirt. That’s not what we need to see coming into our house of worship!

When we fall in one Virtue… we fall in many. A lot of things in life cause chain reactions, the Virtues are no different. Here are a few Virtues I believe that affect our Modesty or are affected by our lack of Modesty

Chastity, Composure, Graciousness, Humility, Integrity, Meekness, Piety, and Purity.

Are you one of those women who doesn’t care how she dresses even at church? We must be mindful of our speech, behavior and dress. We never know who is watching and how it could be affecting them.

Let’s prayerfully rededicate our mind and heart to God with this Keith Green classic song:
Create in Me a Clean Heart

Book Review: The Fantasy Fallacy by Shannon Ethridge

The Fantasy Fallacy: 

Exposing The Deeper Meaning Behind Sexual Thoughts

by @ShannonEthridge
Thomas Nelson Publishers 2012
226 pp

As a recovering sex addict who lived in fantasy for most of her life, I couldn’t be more excited about The Fantasy Fallacy! I’m always looking for supportive material to help reach women who struggle with sexual issues. Having read and recommended many of Shannon’s books I wasn’t disappointed… Shannon Ethridge has done it again! 

I’ve read numerous Christian books on sex addiction and never encountered this approach. A breath of fresh air, badly needed especially in the Christian community where the topic of fantasy is a no no! As a former fantasy addict, there was no fantasy covered I was unfamiliar with. But surprisingly I learned something about myself and found new freedom in regards to healthy, safe, ‘legal” fantasy. 

During my eight years of sexual sobriety I have put myself under a rigid “no fantasy allowed” rule. In The Fantasy Fallacy Shannon teaches us there are fantasies that even as a married Christian, are not only safe, but can energize our marriage bed.

Extremely well researched, with gripping personal stories, The Fantasy Fallacy goes behind the veil of every possible fantasy imaginable. Not only discussing the hard truths of fantasy in all walks of life, but helping us understand the root causes so we can overcome the guilt, shame and condemnation. Once the causes are unveiled we are able to understand ourselves and find the sexual freedom God wants us to enjoy.

The Fantasy Fallacy is one of the most relevant books I’ve read this year! My new fav! Way to go Shannon!

Working the Steps :: STEP 11

We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. 

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.  And He who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. ~ Romans 8:26-27

By working the Twelve Step process we are gradually learning what we want to achieve. To protect what we have learned, we must continually seek God’s will for our lives. Through a regular practice of prayer and mediation the burden of our painful past is released in daily increments. 

Prayer and meditation are difficult for some. Whether we’ve experienced toxic faith in our family or religious circles or grown up unfamiliar with the practices, it’s good to begin with baby steps. Let’s start by breaking down Step 11 into three parts so that we can understand what’s required of us in this step.
  1. What is Prayer? Prayer is talking with God about what His will is for my life.
  2. What is Meditation? Quietly listening and focusing on the Power of God inside me.
  3. What is Conscious Contact? Making myself aware of God’s presence with me.
By declaring our spiritual poverty before God through listening prayer we invite His grace into our lives. Trust begins with a childlike attitude; we stop trying to figure things out and become receptive to God’s kingdom–His rulership and will. It is here when we are truly listening to God.

With a quieted mind and spirit the promised knowledge and power become available. As we stop giving directions and start listening for God’s will our relationship with Him grows deeper. We can then receive His wisdom, peace and love. The courage to carry out His will becomes stronger with each step we take.

Putting Step 11 into practice. First find a quiet, undisturbed place where you can have some prayerful meditation. Choose one of the suggested prayers below. Begin the meditation music video I have selected. Repeat your prayer slowly as you fall into your Heavenly Father’s arms. Soak up His presence and listen for His still soft voice. 

Prayers of Meditation
The Jesus Prayer: Lord, Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.
Words of Praise: Praise you, Lord Jesus.
Words of Thanksgiving: Thank you, Lord Jesus.

Meditation music video:

After a relaxing time of prayer and meditation let’s celebrate progress with our 12 Step theme song: Step by Step by @Bryan_Duncan

Coming in November on Reaching Hurting Women!

Working the Steps :: STEP 11

Let’s plug into our power source for guidance, serenity and healing by drawing near to God in prayer and meditation.


The Fantasy Fallacy: 

Exposing the Deeper Meaning Behind Sexual Thoughts

by Shannon Ethridge

As a recovering sex addict who struggled with fantasy for most of my life, I couldn’t be more excited about this book. If you have challenges in this area there’s freedom to be found!

Virtues ~n~ Vices :: MODESTY

We don’t hear much about modesty today, though it is much needed. Do we even know what modesty looks like? Let’s learn the meaning of modesty and how to walk it out daily.

Healing Hurts :: SEX ADDICTION

What sounds like a lot of fun to the world is in reality a desperate, lonely, and painful life to live. I know because I lived most of my life this way. Do you struggle with sexual addiction? Let’s get to the root of the problem and find true freedom!

Look for a New Article Every Wednesday in November on Reaching Hurting Women! 

Photos Courtesy

The Invisible Woman

Do you feel like no one sees or hears you?  People seem to look right through you like you’re not even there?

I’m the invisible middle child born into a dysfunctional alcoholic home, with a handicapped brother four years older and a sister three years younger. Life was unpredictable between daddy’s drinking binges. So to stay out of trouble I usually played alone with my invisible friends: Seebie Crewble and Campbell Mingle.  Since I was invisible why not have invisible friends too.

Invisibility brought a drive to act out for attention. This was common for me as a child, as a teenager and even as mid-life adult. It’s easy to see how sex addiction played right into this…dressing provocatively, using shocking language, telling inappropriate stories. As my sexual addiction increased my behavior became more extreme and risky.

The desperate acts we stoop to for love and attention is scary. Over time there was no amount of human attention that could fill the empty whole in my heart. There wasn’t enough affection to keep me from feeling invisible. The spiral continued downward to near self-destruction.

We teach others how to treat us. Because of our lack of self-worth, fear of rejection or simply not wanting to deal with things, we purposely avoid sharing our feelings with others and we don’t stand up for ourselves. By doing that, we teach others that our feelings don’t matter, that we don’t matter. This in turn causes them to not see us other times when we really want to be noticed.

As wives and mothers we often feel invisible, lost in all our family doings and goings. We work hard to clean the house and cook a nice dinner hoping someone will notice how beautiful everything looks or how delicious the food tastes. Then resentment sets in and we begin to feel used and abused.

It all comes down to the heart. Where is my heart focused? If I’m loving and respecting myself like God tells me to, I will stand up for myself, push through the fear of rejection and share my feelings. If my heart motivation is right I will do all my tasks for Him, trusting He will reward me in good time. 

The most important One who sees me is God, I’m always visible to Him. It’s a constant challenge — to keep an audience of One.  After all, it is because of Him that I am alive and free today. I should do everything for His glory not my own. 

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ. ~ Colossians #:23-24 New Living Translation (NLT)

Do you feel invisible today?  Maybe you can relate to the woman in this excellent skit by Nicole Johnson

Photo Courtesy


Are you always trying to measure up to others?

Growing up, and even as an adult, I was always comparing myself to others.  I don’t know about you, but I could never measure up. Clothes, hair, intelligence, abilities… it didn’t matter. I had myself under a microscope seeing every fault but never seeing the good. This kept me in a constant state of discouragement and feeling inferior to everyone.

When we grow up in an environment where individuality isn’t celebrated or encouraged, it’s very difficult to see ourselves as valuable. I don’t blame my parents, I know they did the best they could with what they had. Particularly because, they probably didn’t get the encouragement they needed as children either. 

I am so thankful today for the gift of God’s Word that speaks truth into my life. That is the only way I can keep my head on straight. To see myself, the good, bad and the ugly; knowing that makes me who I am. God knows my weaknesses and my strengths. And if I turn them all over to Him, He can use them to do something wonderful.

Be intentional. Be committed. To walk according to God’s Truth. Finding His promises and declaring them over our life each and every day will keep us in the right frame of mind, appreciating ourselves in the big scheme of God’s plan. Our standards can only be His standards for our life and for what He designed us to be and do. 

When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise. ~ 2 Corinthians 10:12

Do you struggle with feelings of inferiority? How are you working through that?

It’s time for some great worship music to celebrate who we are! Turn up your speakers and get set free from inferiority with I Know Who I Am by Israel Houghton