In VICTORY VERSES, we will explore key Bible verses that have shaped my life recovery journey since 2005. After sharing how these verses impacted me, we will dive into their meaning and how they bring lasting victory. This column publishes on the 3rd Friday of each month in 2025.
“I take every thought captive unto the obedience of Jesus Christ, casting down every imagination and every high and lofty thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.” — 2 Corinthians 10:5 (Rewritten as a personal confession)
In the very early days of my addiction recovery journey I learned that my mind was where I needed to fight my battle the most. Unwanted memories of people, places and activities would continually attack me bringing with them regret and reminders of horrible mistakes I had made.
During a Bible study in 2006, today’s verse came up. The leader explained we essentially need to arrest our disobedient thoughts, tear down the lies, and replace them with the truth. The lie, or disobedient thought must bow to God’s Word.
By recognizing Satan’s attacking lies on my mind, seeing the potential danger of temptation, I turn my thoughts away, stopping it from taking me captive to sin.
Rather, I capture the desires, fantasies, memories or whatever is trying to attack my mind, confess it to God asking Him to redirect my thinking. As the Holy Spirit gives me discernment, my thoughts become more focused on God’s Word of truth.
As we continue to block the lies with God’s Word, our mind will eventually be renewed. While we meditate on scripture, healing comes to our mind and ultimately have victory in our whole life. I am walking proof of that.