THE TWELVE STEPS TO VICTORY™ || Step One || Recognizing Our Powerlessness

In The Twelve Steps to Victory column, we’re reframing the traditional 12 Steps with a focus on victory vs continually looking back at our missteps and failures. Each Step aligns with the months on the yearly calendar. This series publishes on the first Friday of each month in 2025.

We admitted we are powerless over our dependencies and that victory cannot be achieved on our own. ~ Step One 

Any woman in addiction recovery will at some point find herself struggling with thoughts of relapsing. Perhaps it’s a sudden invitation to an old familiar place, or the scent of something that triggers a memory, bringing back temptations she thought were long gone.


We may have gotten lax or let our guard down. Perhaps we allowed ourselves to be in a situation that brought tempting ideas, or maybe we’re just going through a difficult season of life that’s weakening our resolve.

Whatever the case — We must stop and immediately revisit Step One.

It’s critical that we remember the pain and suffering our life of addiction caused before. We cannot allow ourselves for even a moment to be deceived by the enemy into thinking that now it will be different.

Returning to a life of our dependencies will never be different. The same cycles of pain, brokenness, and emptiness will repeat because dependency draws us away from God’s purpose and keeps us trapped in a false sense of comfort that ultimately leads to destruction.

Let’s not dwell on the past failures or future potentials.

Instead let’s look to where we will find our victory—a life of freedom, peace, and purpose found through dependence on God’s strength and guidance.

To do that we must turn to God.

Pray the Serenity Prayer.

Ask Holy Spirit for the strength to press on by seeking support from trusted mentors, diving into God’s Word, and spending intentional time in prayer and worship.

Look for The Way out.

He is always there!

Discussion Question:

What steps can you take this week to strengthen your dependence on God when facing temptations?


This week, commit to praying the Serenity Prayer daily and journaling any moments where you felt God showing you “The Way out.” Reflect on how turning to God brought you peace and renewed strength.

“The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” ~ 1 Corinthians‬ ‭10‬:‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I pray you are blessed by the beautiful song attached below by Crowder: Still. It speaks so directly and sweetly to us as we walk through the 12 Steps of Victory with Christ. ~Tamara