MY VICTORY VERSES | The Law of The Lord

Before we can have any kind of victory, we must first know God and honor His law.

Just as a loving parent puts rules in place for their children to guide and protect them. So also, God in His wisdom gives us His law to direct us potential harm and destruction.

His law isn’t designed to keep us from having fun or to control us. No. Why? Because… 

God’s Law is refreshment to our soul. It is to be trusted because it will bring wisdom to the simple minded. 

God’s law is always right and gives joy to our heart. His commands are radiant light to brighten and guide our dim eyes.

The reverent fear of the Lord is pure and endures forever. His judgements are true and completely righteous.

God’s law is more precious than gold and sweeter than honey from the honeycomb. By God’s laws we are warned for in them there is great reward.  See Psalm 19: 7-11

I pray you will take a few minutes to watch/listen to the Shepherd’s Song attached below. Let the words of Psalm 19 sink down into your heart. They will bring a peaceful balm to your soul. ~ Blessings… Tamara