Chasing Karma


Sometimes we’re so focused on getting that we do things for the wrong reason.

We might be doing the right actions but our heart motives are wrong. Just because you are doing something good doesn’t necessarily mean you are going to get good back. Yes, there is the law of reciprocity, give and you shall get. But if our heart is resentful while we are giving, what we will receive will match our heart motive.

The Old Testament believers were under the Mosaic Law which meant they had hundreds of rules to follow every day to stay in right relationship with God and their future. When Jesus came he abolished that law and provided grace to make the way for our way to God and our future. Thanks be to God! Grace replaced rules!

Instead of following a bunch of laws and rules, or chasing karma and expecting a high return on our time and energy investment, we can relax and accept the grace that Jesus provides for us.

The Bible says, Trust God and do good. (Psalm 37-3). That means as we are doing the good things that we have the ability to do, we can trust God will bring about the best outcome for us and our future.

Let’s make a commitment to do something good for the right reasons with the right heart motive!

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