Hello Friends!
About two years ago God led me to take a sabbatical from blogging. Since the fall of 2022, I’ve been on an exciting and educational entrepreneurial journey with my creative genius husband of 45 years!
Recently, God pricked my heart with a desire to resume writing again, specifically to share my victory voyage with my readers.
As in past years, I will continue with a magazine format: posting four individual columns for the year, with each column to be published on its own designated Friday of every month.
In 2025, we are focusing on Walking in Victory with Christ!
Here’s the weekly column schedule for each month:
1st Friday: THE TWELVE STEPS TO VICTORY: In this column we will take the traditional 12 Steps of Recovery and refocus them toward victory rather than just simply recovery. Many recovery groups and studies focus so much on the past or even current problems that individuals can remain stuck in bondage to an old pattern that repeats over and over. Instead, we want to focus on the victory over our hurts, habits and hangups so that we can live free in Christ.
2nd Friday: MY VICTORY VOYAGE: As I was praying about how to revive the RHW Ministries blog, I asked God what He wants me to focus on. God quickly prompted me to review my life and find where and how He has been faithful. I also need to look at what God was trying to teach me and ask myself what I still need to learn. This will be completely different from anything I’ve written publicly before.
3rd Friday: MY VICTORY VERSES: In this column we will be studying the top Bible Scriptures that Holy Spirit has given me since I first started my life recovery voyage in 2005. We will dig deeper into each the meaning of each and discuss how they continue to help me.
4th Friday: BOOK STUDY: For most of my life I’ve struggled with feeling insignificant, basically not believing I am valuable or important. The book The Search for Significance by Robert S. McGee speaks specifically to that area of struggle. I’m excited that we will be going through it together! The book conveniently includes a workbook inside. Click the link in the title above and join me. (BTW… It is not an affiliate link)
5th Friday: REVIEWS: Each calendar year there are four months that have five Fridays in them. In 2025, the months of January, May, August, and October have five Fridays. I like to use those 5th Fridays to publish media reviews: books, music, movies, blogs, podcasts, etc… These will be primarily, but not limited to, Christian media sources.
I’m excited to refresh my RHW Ministries victory walk! I hope you will join me in 2025!
Walking in Victory with Jesus Christ…
Thanks be to God, who gives us this victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! ~ 2 Corinthians 15:57 CEB