About a year ago the fluorescent lights in our master closet began going out. Eventually, there was only one of the four bulbs really working and it was very dim.
Months went by and my husband and I never seemed to notice we were functioning in the dark every day in our closet.
We finally took the time to replace the light bulbs. When we turned them on the light was almost blinding it was so bright! We had no idea how dark our closet had become.
For weeks after replacing the light bulbs, when going into our closet, we wouldn’t turn on the lights. We had become so accustomed to the closet being dark that we didn’t use the lights even when we had them.
In our lives we often allow the darkness to creep in. Then before we know it we are living in it all the time. And the worst part is we don’t recognize that we are living in the darkness.
We must intentionally flip the switch to keep The Light flowing in our lives!
Image credit: dpullman / 123RF Stock Photo